Added Value and Performance Analyses of Edamame Soybean Supply Chain: A Case Study


  • Marimin Marimin1 (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia )
  • Defni Feifi1 (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia )
  • Sri Martini1 (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia )
  • Retno Astuti1 (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia )

This paper describes a conceptual framework for the added value and performance analyses of Edamame supply chain management with a company as a buyer and farmers as its suppliers. The main objective of this paper was to illustrate how XCo, as the company of fresh Edamame, can analyze as well as assess the added value and performance in each supply chain members. Data in this case study were collected through in-depth interviews with the supply chain members and from secondary data records available at the supply chain members. The supply chain structure and two main supply chain issues, i.e. added value and business performance at each supply members, were described, analyzed and compared. The supply chain added value was described and analyzed using Hayami method, while the supply chain performance was analyzed using the combination of Data Envelopment Analysis with pairwise comparison of Analytical Hierarchy Process. The results show that XCo obtained the highest added value, however about 50% of farmer groups still had negative added values. Based on the performance analysis, it was known that failures to comply with the order quantity and time delivery schedule were major factors that decrease the farmers’group-efficiency. XCo together with farmers’ group members should collaborate in scheduling the planting and harvesting.

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