Exploring Performance Deficits in the Fish Feed Supply Chain of Bangladesh


  • Imranul Islam1 (Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh)
  • Max Nielsen1 (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Birgit Schulze-Ehlers1 (University of Gottingen, Germany )
  • Badiuzzaman Badiuzzaman1 (Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh)

Fish farmers in Bangladesh have many issues with the performance of the feed supply chain. The study used the supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model to select the key operational stages of the supply chain and the measurement criteria. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) prioritized the phases and criteria and developed the expected performance of the feed supply chain. By comparing the expected performance and the perceived current performance, we identified the performance gap in the feed supply chain. The transaction costs were calculated separately. The study found that high costs were the main reason for low performance in the feed supply chain. The reliability of the product quality was also a concerning issue in the chain. Compared to other actors in the chain, dealers are the low performers. The study suggests performance can be improved by developing direct channels between manufacturers and farmers, thereby omitting dealers and concentrating on local raw material production. The study also demonstrated that transaction costs play an important role in the performance of the supply chain. This study is the first to empirically examine this situation and is innovative in that its examination of the feed supply chain included transaction costs.

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