Ranking Operations Management Conferences


  • Harm-Jan Steenhuis1 (Eastern Washington University, USA)
  • Erik-Joost de Bruijn1 (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

The purpose of this paper is to present a ranking of operations management conferences. Several publications have appeared in the field of Operations Management which rank related journals. Many academics also publish at conferences but we have not come across publications that rank conferences. Several ranking systems exist for journals based on, for example, perceived relevance and quality, citation, and author affiliation. . In this paper the first attempt is made in developing an operations management conference ranking based upon author affiliation. This is done in two steps. First, based on an analysis of contributions to operations management journals a ranking of affiliations is established. Then, this ranking is used to determine the author affiliation index for several conferences such as from the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), European Operations Management Association (EurOMA), Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM), and the Operations Management Division of the Academy of Management (AoM). The results provide information for authors that help in deciding which operations management oriented conferences to attend. It was found that the AoM conference is on average the conference with the highest First Author Affiliation Index (FAAI) scores. It also scores the highest for the six journals combined in four of the six years. The POMS conference scored highest in three of the six years for the three US-based journals while the EurOMA conference scored highest in four of the six years for European-based journals. The findings can be used to make more informed decisions related to which operations management conference to attend based upon the assumption of quality of presented papers.

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