Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

Special Issue: AI, CPS, and Decision Making in OSCM

We invite submissions to this special issue on Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems and Decision Making in Operations and Supply Chain Management. Download the call for paper here.


Call for Submissions

Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (OSCM Journal) is a rapidly growing, open-access publication that uniquely offers free article processing charges (APCs) to authors. The field of OSCM is undergoing a transformative shift with the integration of autonomous cyber-physical systems and advanced decision-making systems across all decision levels—operational, tactical, and strategic.1 This special issue seeks to explore the innovative applications, challenges, and future directions of autonomous robots and artificial intelligence (AI) in the broad range of OSCM domain, including warehouse operations,2 demand forecasting,3 or customer engagement.4 We invite original research and review papers that contribute to the literature and enhance our understanding of how autonomous cyber-physical systems and AI-based analytics can drive efficiency, sustainability, and resilience in supply chain management.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must be original, unpublished, and not currently under review by other journals or peer-reviewed conferences. Papers should adhere to the OSCM Journal’s formatting and submission guidelines.

Important Dates

Submission Process

Manuscripts should be submitted through the OSCM Journal's online submission system. Please mention “Special Issue: Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems and Decision Making in OSCM” in your cover letter.


For any queries, please contact the guest editors at ai-cps-special-issue@oscm-forum.org.
