A Comprehensive Business Process Management Application to Evaluate and Improve the Importations Practices on Big-box Stores


  • Odette Chams-Anturi1 (Universidad de la Costa, Colombia)
  • Milton Soto-Ferrari1 (Indiana State University, USA)
  • Anamaria Gomez1 (Western Michigan University, USA)
  • Juan Escorcia-Caballero1 (Universidad del Norte, Colombia)
  • Daniel Romero-Rodriguez1 (Universidad del Norte, Colombia)
  • Maureen Casile1 (Indiana State University, USA)

Big-box or chain stores are massive retailers that sell all types of products to final consumers. Managing business processes that integrate information systems is a critical issue in big-box stores nowadays. Commercial initiatives have focused on optimizing internal processes to enhance productivity and react to fluctuating business environmental forces. This research proposes a comprehensive business process management (BPM) design and application for the importations process on a big-box store located in Colombia, highly integrated with basic and advanced information systems. Big-box stores use advanced information systems that synchronize with multiple essential internal processes. We modeled the importations process phases with a robust graphical framework for BPM methods and flexible automation. We evaluate the actual process time performance and contrast its current state with the novel BPM model implementation benefits. The application of the proposed BPM model contemplates a 43% reduction in the execution times of process activities with a projected 30% decrease in default costs.

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